Our Training Modules

We are fostering knowledge and utilization of moringa through a 3-part training covering:

  1. Awareness of Moringa
  2. Cultivation & Consumption
  3. Processing & Preservation

Training is offered free of charge to the public:

Including farmers, schools, universities, clinics, and organizations working with underserved communities in California. Training is can be conducted in person and is available through our virtual engagement. Moringa seeds, soil, and garden bed supplies as well as drying materials may be made available to new and beginning moringa farmers and organizations in California. Please contact us for further information.


Learn about Moringa’s unique nutrients and health properties, how moringa is utilized in many cultures around the globe, and moringa’s suitability and potential as a crop in California.


Meet Moringa, the highly nutritious superfood plant that is making waves globally. In this presentation, we’ll cover the basics of cultivating Moringa trees and the various ways to consume its leaves, seeds, and roots. Discover the benefits of incorporating Moringa into your diet and learn why this plant is quickly becoming a staple food. Whether you’re a farmer, gardener, or health enthusiast, this presentation is a must-see.


Our project builds upon the  2016 Specialty Crop Block grant between UC Cooperative Extension Fresno & Tulare Counties & UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP). They partnered with small-scale Central Valley farmers to identify best practices for drying moringa leaves and producing dried leaf powder as a value-added product.  Drying moringa extends the shelf-life of nutrient-dense products and gives farmers the potential for new market channels. Here is the Guide to Drying Moringa developed from the project.

In-person and Online Presentations coming soon

To learn about current techniques used and gain information about value-added processing of moringa.

The Ultimate Guide to Drying and Processing Moringa Leaves

Explore the essential aspects of drying, processing, and storing Moringa, a remarkable plant known for its numerous health benefits.

Join our virtual webinar series on Food Justice and Healthy Equity, bringing together a diverse group of farmers, healthcare workers, academic researchers, and community activists. Experience personal and professional growth as we explore themes of racism, justice, and food systems. Connect with our network of global health researchers and community members and learn tools for decolonizing global health. Our mission aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on No Poverty, No Hunger, and Good Health & Wellbeing. Learn more here.